Project controller/ (administrative assistant)
Kevin Georg Wieczorek is 28 years old. His notable professional career began in 2018 with my training at Sparkasse Aachen as a bank clerk. After two and a half years, he successfully completed the training in January 2021.
He worked as a private customer advisor in the branch on Jülicher Strasse in Aachen. In this branch, he secured additional tasks for myself through various further training courses and have repeatedly expanded his work area.
In the spring of 2021, he got his trainer’s license at the Sparkassen University and has been supervising the trainees since then. In his work as a trainer, he was able to successfully prepare some trainees for the final exams.
As part of working with younger colleagues, he was able to secure the planning and implementation of some sales promotions and other campaigns and gain positive and less positive experiences.
He continued my education in the world of finance. In addition to advising his customers in the area of service and liquidity, he was able to successfully contribute his knowledge and skills to advising on financing (loans, construction financing, student loans, etc.), investments (in 4 asset classes), insurance (etc.). .
In the summer of 2022, he decided to take a different career path and go more in the direction of controlling/organisation/administration. This is how he managed to successfully apply to the RWTH Aachen Institute for Sustainability in Construction and to embark on exactly this career.
He has been part of the INaB team since January 2nd, 2023
Tel.: +49 241 80 22760
Kontaktsprachen: German, English, Polish, Spanish