The recently founded Center for Circular Economy at RWTH Aachen – known as CCE – pools the University’s expertise on circular economy. The Institute of Sustainability in Civil Engineering (INaB) is one of the RWTH institutes involved in the Center. With the projects TransPhoR and FaBeR, INaB contributes to the research in circularity. The goal of the CCE is the development of methods for process optimization of the three core areas of circular economy:
    • sustainable product design during the production,
    • business models during product use, and
    • material recovery during the product recycling.
As a partner of the CCE, we strive to ensure sustainable circular economy concepts by sharing our expertise in life cycle sustainability assessment. To achieve the goals, we depend on an intertwined collaboration of research, politics, industry, and society. We are happy to be part of the CCE and are looking forward to interesting and future-oriented projects.

INaB is now a partner of everwave

“Become part of the wave that is saving our seas!” 

Evergreen is working on preventing plastic from entering the oceans. Evergreen does this through floating platforms, garbage collection boats and artificial intelligence.

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INaB of RWTH Aachen University is a partner of YES!

YES! – School Competition
Economics . Politics . Society . Environment

Finding solutions! – Together with scientists

The YES! is one of the largest school competitions on economic and social challenges in Germany for grades 10-12 and has been under the patronage of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy since 2015.

Under the motto “your future – your ideas”, pupils in grades 10-12 work in teams of at least 5, independently and in cooperation with researchers, to develop solutions for economic and social issues. At regional finals, they present and discuss their solutions. The teams themselves choose the two best ideas that will represent their region at the finals.

Scientists from the leading German institutes in economic and social research are providing the topics. They support the teams in terms of content and work with them on an equal level. The YES! promotes project-oriented work and offers insights into scientific and solution-oriented work and provides digital tools to support the teams. Participation is free of charge, and travel expenses are covered by the YES!

Further information is available at

Aachen Unverpackt is working on a sustainable day routine, especially concerning the packaging waste. In 2018, Prof. Marzia Traverso got the patron of this initiative and supports the fight for a zero waste society.

For 2020, Aachen Unverpackt applied for the Engagementpreis of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes. 

We are lucky to see this social commitment and the great work!