Melanie Arzberger - CV

Melanie Arzberger M.A.
External Ph.D.

Melanie Arzberger completed her bachelor’s degree in International Business Studies at Kufstein University of Applied Sciences, with a year of study abroad in India. This was followed by a master’s degree in Business Ethics & Responsible Management at TU Dresden. Following her master’s degree, she worked as a research assistant at the Chair of Social Sciences at the International Institute (IHI) Zittau, a Central Academic Unit of TU Dresden. In 2021, she moved to an auditing firm, where she was responsible for auditing sustainability reports and advising companies on ESG regulatory requirements. Now, she is working as a doctoral candidate at the BMW Group (BMW Motorrad) since October 2023 and is doing her doctorate in collaboration with iNAB on the topic of sustainability in the supply chain.


Research Topics: Sustainability in the supplychain

