Head of Institute
Prof. Dr. Marzia Traverso, full professor and head of Chair and Institute of Sustainability in Civil Engineering in RWTH Aachen since 1 June 2017. PhD of Environmental Technical Physics of University of Palermo, and environmental engineer, working in the field of Life Cycle Assessment and sustainability performance of building and transport sector and strategic environmental assessment to the transportation urban systems. In 2020 nominated expert and member of:
Her knowledge on LCSA is built in 20 years of experience starting with her master thesis in LCA of aluminium Profile. After her PhD, from August 2008 to October 2011, she was post doc. scientific assistant and lecturer at the Chair of Sustainability Engineering of Technische Universitaet Berlin, main research topics were the Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment and Social Life Cycle Assessment. From Nov. 2011 to March 2016, she was project manager at the research and innovation centre of BMW Group. She was responsible of the sustainability performance and LCA of several cars, such as: BMW i3, BMW i8, 7series. From May 2016 to April 2017 Scientific Officer at European Commission, JRC Seville in Product Bureau, responsible of the development of criteria for GPP on Street Lighting and Traffic signals, GPP of Transport and Framework for Building Sector, Level(s).
Author and co-author of several scientific papers in journal such as Sustainability, Int. Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Industrial Ecology. Subject editor in Social life cycle Assessment in the Int. Journal of LCA. Member of several editorial board such as: Int. Journal of LCA, Sustainable Development, Resources. Founder of a Non-Profit Organization “iSuD – Information for Sustainable Development” for disseminating sustainability concept among Italian consumers. President of Director board of the Forum for Sustainability through Life Cycle Innovation – FSLCI, and Chair of (Technical Listening) Global Listening Centre.Member of the Advisory Board of Madaster Foundation.
Research topics: Sustainability Assessment in theory & practice, Social Sustainability and Sustainability Assessment
Phone: +49 241 80 22761
Mail: marzia.traverso@inab.rwth-aachen.de
Room: 221
Sustainability Assessment of Niobium Mining processes
Revision of the Guidelines of Social Life Cycle Assessment
Revision of EU Ecolabel criteria for Paper Products
All publications are listed here:
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