Fiber and concrete recycling of carbon and textile concrete

Considering the impact of interfering materials on established mineral raw material cycles

Close-up of an exposed carbon fiber reinforcement textile (Weitkämper, AMR, RWTH Aachen University)

The variety of materials and the proportions of fiber composites in the materials cycle, also in the construction industry, have been increasing for years. 
The use of carbon, glass and basalt fibers is increasing, especially when used as a grid-like reinforcement textile in textile-reinforced concrete (TRC) and as a short fiber in fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC). Already in the last 15 years a total of approx. 1,800 t of carbon fiber textile concrete & 750,000 t of glass fiber textile concrete have been used, which is why solutions for immense textile concrete production waste needs to be found. Therefore the aim of FaBeR is the development of a high-quality and harmless utilization of the mineral and fiber fractions of textile concrete components to be recycled.

Trapped carbon fiber sections in fiber concrete recyclate (Weiler, ibac, RWTH Aachen University)

INaB’s task in the project is to carry out an LCA and the economic evaluation of the materials produced in iteration with the collaborative partners. The aim is to make statements on the technical and economic properties of the recycled materials. Taking into account the end-of-life behavior of rF-concrete, the advantage of using recycled materials will also be demonstrated. The continuous exchange with the project partners enables a stable data basis, which leads to a meaningful and competitive LCA and enables a sustainable design of the material.

Collaborative partners:
Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials GmbH, Holcim (Deutschland) GmbH, RWTH Aachen University (Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA), Institut für Baustoffforschung (ibac), Lehrstuhl für Technik und Organisationssoziologie (STO), Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Aufbereitung mineralischer Rohstoffe (AMR))

Exposed carbon fiber reinforcement textile (Weitkämper, AMR, RWTH Aachen University)

Associated partners: 
Baumaschinen Beckschulte KG, PAGEL SPEZIAL-BETON GmbH &
KG, Hering Bau GmbH &
Co. KG, Fydro Glassfibreconcrete B.V.

Project duration: May 2021 – October 2023

Funded By: BMBF 

M.Sc. Anna Luthin
Phone: +49 241 80 22998