Wiebke Kathmann joined the INaB team in january 2023. She received her bachelor’s degree in biology in 2013 with a specialization in ecotoxicology from the University of Bremen. Her bachelor’s thesis focused on the detection of engineered silver nanoparticles in mircoarthropods. She deepened her scientific interest with a corresponding master’s degree in ecotoxicology at RWTH Aachen University. In 2016, she graduated with a thesis on the transport of engineered silver nanoparticles in artificial soil columns. In the following three and a half years, she worked as a research assistant at the German Federal Institute of Hydrology. There her research focus was on the impact assessment of traffic-related non-exhaust emissions. She was also involved in the conception of inter-agency measures for environmentally sustainable traffic design.
Languages: German, English Room: 206 Mail: wiebke.kathmann@inab.rwth-aachen.de