BeWare – Building Resilience and Sustainability to Extreme Weather Events
Sign up now and take advantage of this ERASMUS+ VET program “Development of Professional Courses in Building Resilience and Sustainability to Extreme Weather Events”.
The modules are independent and will be delivered on a 3 times per-week basis, of 1,5 hours each, and will take place after working hours (5:00 or 6:00 PM CET time).
Eco-design and social needs -At the end of this module, the trainees will be able to establish and evaluate the characteristics of the building, Ecodesign in buildings, Sustainability in buildings, Sustainable building assessment scheme, Holistic social performance of a building, that should be addressed in the design of buildings’ resilience to climate change and climatic extremes and, at the same time, respect sustainable and energy-saving regulations.
“The course will be hosted online and on the ” BEWARE VET Digital Training Platform”, starting on Tuesday THE 28th of March and ends on 12th of April by Institute of Sustainability in Civil Engineering(INaB).
For more Information and registration
please follow the below links:
More info:
For Registration:
Institute of Sustainability in Civil
Engineering(INaB), RWTH Aachen University,
Institute for Research in Environment,
Civil Engineering and Energy (IECE)
CRETHIDEV, UNIR – La Universidad en
Internet, CERIS Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability