Description of the project:

 AMBITION is an EU-funded project aimed at PhD students to raise a future generation of scientific ambassadors for Sustainable Transition in both Europe and Africa. It features a Joint Honours Program in technical disciplines involving seven universities and a non-governmental organization.

AMBITION members are enabled to carry out research projects customized to various economic, environmental, and cultural restrictions, the findings of which might inform policy-making.

AMBITION seeks to increase the ability of partner institutions’ PhD programs and enrich the experience of participating PhD students in order to capitalize on evidence-based knowledge for sustainable development and green technologies. 

The need for increased integration and interconnection among PhD programs in the European and African context led the partner universities to design a Joint Honours Programme in which PhD candidates from partner universities can bring together their diverse backgrounds and acquire shared knowledge and skills suitable for the role of AMBassador for sustainable transITION. 

The two pillars of the initiative are:

  • Trust in science diplomacy
  • The growing role of AU-EU partnerships

INaB co-directs a winter/summer school in Kenya, where partners give particular study modules to PhD students. The primary teaching topic will be Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA), which will cover the three pillars of sustainability: environmental, social, and economic elements.

Project partners:

Coordinator:  Politecnico Di Milano, Italy


  • INaB- RWTH Aachen University
  • Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola AB, Sweden
  • Techische Universiteit Delft, Netherlands
  • Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
  • Strathmore University, Kenya

Administrative information:

Duration:  September 2022 –  August 2025
Total Budget: 400,000€
Partnership type: Cooperation partnerships in higher education



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