Arij Mohamad Radwan Omar Chabrawi
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiterin
Arij arbeitet als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am INaB der RWTH Aachen. Sie hat einen Doktortitel in Sozialer Lebenszyklusanalyse und Psychometrik. Außerdem hat sie einen Master in Sozial-, Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie (Universität Brasília) und zwei Postgraduiertenstudiengänge in Public Health Management (Universität Brasília) und Public Policy Management and Society (Federal University of Tocantins). Ihr Hauptfach ist Psychologie (Universität Brasília). Sie verfügt über Erfahrungen im Projektmanagement im Zusammenhang mit F&E&I-Themen, Produktmanagement, Datenanalyse, Unternehmertum und Innovation, Anforderungs- und Geschäftsanalyse sowie strategischer Planung in verschiedenen Bereichen und arbeitete für verschiedene öffentliche und private Einrichtungen. Sie ist außerdem Sozialpsychologin und klinische Psychologin.
Forschungsthemen: Social Life Cycle Assessment, Psychometrics, Labour Psychology and Data Analysis.
Phone: +491783236165
Zimmer: 206
Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen:
Chabrawi, A.
M. R. O; Traverso, M.; Andrade, M.J.; Ugaya, C. M. L.: Bridging the gaps in
Social Life Cycle Assessment: theoretical and practical contributions.
Psychology: theory and research 39 (Brasília. Online). Published: June 2023. DOI: 10.1590/0102.3772e39501.en
Chabrawi, A.
M. R. O.; de Lucena, L. M.; Duarte, F. S.: Work, Emancipation and the
Challenges of Solidarity Economy Amidst Capitalism. Trabalho (En)Cena, 7,
e022018-e022018. Published: December 2022. DOI: 10.20873/2526-1487e022018
Chabrawi, A.
M. R. O.: Prison and Work: a possible alternative to the rehabilitation of
prisoners in Brazil. Theory and Culture, 16(2). Published: September 2021
Silva, D. A.
L.; Chabrawi, A. M.; de Oliveira, J. A.: Perspectives of the Brazilian business
sector regarding the use of LCA and collaboration to strengthen SICV Brasil.
LALCA: Latin American Journal on Life Cycle Assessment, 1(1), 112-137.
Published: August 2017. DOI: 10.18225/lalca.v1i1.3038
Chabrawi, A.
M. R. O.: Sociopsychological perspectives of work in contemporary times under
the logic of capitalism and solidarity economy. Otra Economía, 10(18), 36-50. Published:
October 2015. DOI: 10.4013/otra.2016.1018.04
Bücher & Kapitel:
Chabrawi, A.
M. R. O.; James, C.: Supporting the Internationalization of Young
Entrepreneurship. MDIC. Published: March 2015.
Chabrawi, A.
M. R. O.; James, C.: Contribution of the Diasporas to the Economic Development
and Internationalization of Brazilian Companies. MDIC. Published: 2015
Morais, E. F.
C.; Ribeiro, R. M. M.; Chabrawi, A. M. R. O.: Proposal for Theses and
Guidelines for the National Policy on Entrepreneurship and Business: public
consultation. (Research report). Published: 2012
A. S.; Santana, M. F.; Pasqualeto, K. C.; Chabrawi, A. M. R. O.; Mendonca, H.
M. O. S.: Rescuing culture to compete in the creative market: a new approach to
training Brazilian artisans. (Development of didactic and instructional
material – Didactic Material). Published: 2012
Ribeiro, R.
M. M.; Chabrawi, A. M. R. O.; Morais, E. F. C.: Terms of Reference: Theses and
Guidelines for a National Entrepreneurship Policy. (Methodological framework
for the development of Public Policies). Published: 2012.
Konferenzbeiträge und Veröffentlichungen:
Chabrawi, A.
M.R.O.; Pogoda, J. F.; Traverso, M. Harmonizing Indicators for the Stakeholder
Worker in Social Life Cycle Assessment. Oral presentation at the 4th Life Cycle
Innovation Conference. June 3, 2024 – June 5, 2024.
Weniger, A.;
Chabrawi, A.M.R.O.; Traverso, M. A Method to Develop a Social Impact Pathway:
case on Carbon and Steel-Reinforced Concrete. Oral presentation at the 4th Life
Cycle Innovation Conference. June 3, 2024 – June 5, 2024.
Chabrawi, A.
M.R.O.; Traverso, M.; Ugaya, C.M.L.; Moura, J. A. Psychometrics as a Tool to
Collect Primary Data in Social Life Cycle Assessment. Oral presentation at the
10th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment in Latin America. July
24, 2023 – July 28, 2023.
Weniger, A.;
Chabrawi, A.M.R.O.; Traverso, M. A Method to Develop a Social Impact Pathway:
case on Carbon and Steel-Reinforced Concrete. Oral presentation at the 9th
International Conference on Social Life Cycle Assessment. May 28, 2024 – May
31, 2024.
Chabrawi, A.M.R.O.; Davis, J.; Mankaa, R.N.;
Traverso, M. Preliminary analysis on methodological studies for aggregation in
S-LCA. Oral presentation at the 9th International Conference on Social Life
Cycle Assessment. May 28, 2024 – May 31, 2024.
Chabrawi, A. M.R.O.; Traverso, M.; Ugaya,
C.M.L.; Moura, J. A. Designing Reliable Tools for Primary Data Collection for
the Stakeholder Worker in S-LCA. Oral presentation at the 9th International
Conference on Social Life Cycle Assessment. May 28, 2024 – May 31, 2024.
Chabrawi, A. M.R.O.; Traverso, M.; Ugaya,
C.M.L.; Moura, J. A. Psychometrics as a Tool to Collect Primary Data in Social
Life Cycle Assessment. Oral presentation at the 11th Life Cycle Management.
September 6, 2023 – September 8, 2023
A. M.R.O.; Traverso, M.; Ugaya, C.M.L.; Moura, J. A. Psychometrics as a Tool to
Collect Primary Data in Social Life Cycle Assessment. 10th International
Conference on Life Cycle Assessment in Latin America. July 24, 2023 – July 28,
Chabrawi, A.
M. R. O.; Andrade, M. J.; Ugaya, C. M. L.; Traverso, M. Towards a Social driven
Method to Collect Primary Data for Workers in SLCA. Social Life Cycle
Conference. Aachen, Germany. 2022.
Chabrawi, A.
M. R. O.; Andrade, M. J.; Ugaya, C. M. L.; Traverso, M. Working Relationships:
a potential new impact subcategory to ‚worker‘ stakeholder. Social Life Cycle
Conference. Aachen, Germany. 2022.
Chabrawi, A.
M. R. O.; Juchen, R.; Ugaya, C. M. L.: A closer look into S-LCA in Brazil. In:
IX International Conference on Life Cycle Analysis. Proceedings of the IX
International Conference on Life Cycle Analysis. Published: 2021.
Chabrawi, A.
M. R. O.; Ugaya, C. M. L. Application of Psychometrics as a Method for
Assessing Impacts in Social LCA. In: VI Brazilian Congress on Life Cycle
Management, 2018, Brasília. Anais do VI Brazilian Congress on Life Cycle
Management, 2018.
Chabrawi, A.
M. R. O.; Mendes, A. M. B.: Clinical Analysis of Work in a Cooperative of
Detainees in the Federal District. In: V International Colloquium in
Psychosociology and Clinical Sociology, 2016, Brasília. Anais do V
International Colloquium in Psychosociology and Clinical Sociology, 2016.
Abstracts Published in Scientific Conferences
Lopes Silva,
D. A.; Chabrawi, A. M. R. O.; Braga, T. E.: Survey applied to the Brazilian
business sector: use of LCA, databases, and perspectives regarding SICV Brazil.
In: V Brazilian Congress on Life Cycle Management, Fortaleza. Anais do V
Brazilian Congress on Life Cycle Management. Published: 2016.
Chabrawi, A.
Chabrawi, A.
Sheinckman Chatelard; Chabrawi, A. M. R. O.: Clinical and Institutional
Analysis of Social Integration through Transdisciplinarity. In: 5th IC Congress
of the DF and XIV IC Congress of UnB, Brasília. Annals of the 5th IC Congress
of the DF and XIV IC Congress of UnB. 2008.
Chabrawi, A.
M. R. O.; Odair Furtado; Eduardo Guimarães Amorim; Ezequiel Nogueira Braga: Ethnographic
Analysis of Rural Settlements and the Social Representations of their Identity.
In: V International Conference and III Brazilian Conference on Social
Representations, Brasília. Anais V International Conference and III Brazilian
Conference on Social Representations. 2007.
Chabrawi, A.
M. R. O. Ethnographic analysis of rural settlements and the social
representations of their identity. Congreso Internacional de Salud Mental de las Madres
de la Plaza de Mayo. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2007.
Daniela Sheinckman Chatelard; Nadja Oliveira Rodrigues; Chabrawi, A.
M. R. O.; Lilian Brito Bertoldi; CAZETTA, S. C. Prenatal care: a reflection
necessary for the experience. In:
II International Congress of Fundamental Psychopathology and VIII Brazilian
Congress of Fundamental Psychopathology – 2006, 2006, Belém. Anais 2006 –
Complete works of the II International Congress of Fundamental Psychopathology
and VIII Brazilian Congress of Fundamental Psychopathology. 2006.
Chabrawi, A. M. R. O.; Eduardo Guimarães Amorim; Ezequiel Nogueira
Braga. Study and Intervention on the
Brazilian Rural Context Conflicts. In: V International Congress of Mental
Health and Human Rights, 2006, Buenos Aires. Annals of the V International
Congress on Mental Health and Human Rights, 2006.
São Paulo,
E.; Chabrawi, A. M. R. O.; Roquette Oliveira, G.; Marinho Vieira Brandão, M.;
Reis Meira, R.: Preliminary Studies on Affirmative Action at the University of
Brasilia. Sociedade Brasileira de Psicologia. Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. 2004.
PhD Dissertation:
Chabrawi, A.
M. R. O.: Decent Work: building and validity evidences to scales in the context
of Social Life Cycle Assessment. [Tese de doutorado, Universidade de Brasília].
Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Brasília. Published: 2023.
Master Arbeit:
Chabrawi, A. M. R. O.: Psychodynamics of the Prison Work: from recognition to social emancipation. [Dissertação de Mestrado, Universidade de Brasília]. Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Brasília. Published: 2018.