– Sustainable Consumption –

International – Marrakech Process

The Marrakech Process enabled the development of a ten-year framework on sustainable consumption and production by the UN Environment and UN Department of Environmental and Social Affairs (UN DESA). It includes the building of regional strategies, as well as implementation mechanisms with regional and national ownership. The framework also helps in organizing regional consultations and the implementation of concrete programs and projects. Through it, it is also possible to monitor, evaluate and share information on progresses made.

The seven Task forces:

Regional focus

Leading Country – Germany

Objective: to provide specific support to the activities and programs of the 10-year work plan for Africa in what concerns sustainable consumption and production. This implies encouraging the different national governments to incorporate the concepts of sustainable production and consumption.

Africa is the first region to have developed and launched its own 10-Year Framework of Programmes (10YFP) on sustainable consumption and production.

– Integration of SCP in national plans and programmes
– Support that enables African Countries to ‘leapfrog’ towards SCP patterns.

Social and behavioural issues

Leading Country: Sweden

Objective: to promote sustainable lifestyles, where people live in harmony with the environment and to develop strong and socially cohesive communities.

Explore means for changing lifestyles and behaviour with a focus on how sustainable lifestyles can be enabled by actors such as governments and business, and on how consumers can be encouraged to make sustainable choices.
– Projects are exploring actions that individuals can take to modify their lifestyles toward greater sustainability.
– Support projects that are supporting capacity building on education and communication for sustainable lifestyles

Social and behavioural issues

Leading Country: Italy

Objective: to introduce the subject of sustainable consumption and production in education. Thus, producing a change in the way of thinking, generating a strong and constructive environmental conscience.

Collection of good practices
– A database and a technical planner on ESC
– The drafting of guidelines on the introduction of ESC into formal learning processes
– The creation of linkages and synergies between the Task Force initiatives and relevant regional and international organizations active in the field of ESC
– The definition of sets of indicators and quality criteria for monitoring and evaluation.
– A special focus of the Task Force is on the Mediterranean region, and sharing its experiences globally.

Sectoral focus

Leading Country: France

Areas of priority:
– Climate change
– Biodiversity
– Cultural and natural heritage
– Local development.

– Encouraging the implementation of actions that promote sustainable tourism
through the development of support tools, pilot projects and good practices in other countries.

Sectoral focus

Leading Country: Sweden

Objective: to promote energy efficiency, energy saving; to promote renewable energy; to develop policies and legislation.

Develop a checklist for decision-makers not familiar with challenges and opportunities for sustainable buildings and construction.
– Research projects and publishing best policy practices.
– Reports on energy use and GHG emissions in construction & buildings and issued recommendations for policy action points.

Policy tools and programmes

Leading Country: Switzerland

Objective: to promote and support the implementation of sustainable public interventions, developing tools and abilities in developed and developing countries which lead to an increase in sustainable products and services.

– To develop practical guidance and toolkits for sustainable public procurement
– To carry out research and prepare policy papers on SPP
– To promote SPP through training and assistance
– To facilitate dialogue and work amongst stakeholders and countries on SPP

Policy tools and programmes

Leading country: United Kingdom

Objective: to achieve concrete progress on specific products through international networks of experts. Known as Global Sustainable Product Networks (GSPNs), such networks have already been set up to cover: lighting, home entertainment, and electronic motors.

How to achieve sustainable consumption

If you are really interested about changing your consumption into a more stustainable one, we have a few tips and tricks on our page “Your Sustainablity”. However, what do you have to take away from the lecture? Well, there are a few points that have to be considered:


What are task forces of the Marrakech Process?

Which task forces have the same focus/ tackle the same sector?

If you could pick a task force to work on, which one would it be? And why?

What does sustainable consumption mean? And how do you think you could apply it?